Here’s The Low Down On Eyebrow Feathering – Everything You Need To Know

Woman getting an eyebrow feathering

Eyebrow feathering has become a popular choice for brow bars, giving you naturally luscious and thick eyes in just a snap of your fingers. This treatment works to effortlessly give you bold brows by using cosmetic tattooing using pigments to naturally darken up your look, drawing more attention to the centre of your face. Eyebrow feathering has a few key features making it much better than the microblading technique. If you want to jump on the bold brow bandwagon, you may want to consider this treatment. In this article, we’ll be digging into what’s the go with eyebrow feathering. 

What is eyebrow feathering? 

As mentioned previously, eyebrow feathering is the technique that uses pigments to dye your brows to make them look naturally thick for a long time. The technique involves creating fine hair strokes that are arched to look feather-like hence the name of it. Pigments are implanted onto the skin, creating a brow that looks bold effortlessly as if no treatment was done to it. Using a blade, it uses the pigment to fill in any gaps in the brows that would make the shape look awkward. This is placed on the front layer of the epidermis, making sure you have a brow treatment that is painless and subtly adds definition to your face. 

What makes it different from microblading? 

Microblading is a popular option among those that have brows that have been plucked more than necessary or are very thin. This is to create a thicker appearance having a dramatic transformation than prior to the treatment. Eyebrow feathering is used for individuals who already have fuller brows as a slight enhancement creating a natural feathery look. Between the two treatments, eyebrow feathering is much more relaxed, following the natural shape of the brows rather than tightly sculpting its arch. 

Is it painful? 

A topical anesthetic will help numb your forehead to give you a treatment that is pain-free. There will cause a slight discomfort like the feeling of a pinprick. The only pain you might have is the sound of the blade used during the treatment. It is noted that eyebrow feathering is not advised for those with skin conditions or those who have cardiovascular diseases, pregnant women, as well as people who have had Botox or have gotten a chemical tan. It is also not suited for those with oily skin or those who use active ingredient products as it will not be as effectively come out as bold.

The application method 

Beautician prepares the client for eyebrow feathering

It is important to note you should try to grow out your brows as much as possible weeks before the eyebrow feathering session. This will ensure you get the best results. The session begins with a numbing topical anesthetic which will ensure you will have a painless experience. The experience beautician will then analyse your brows to configure the perfect dye to go with your brow shade. In as little as two hours, incisions are done using a smooth blade to create soft feather strokes, giving you naturally bold brows. 

Eyebrow feathering is a great way to subtly thicken up your brows, giving it the most natural and effortless boldness. This cosmetic tattooing procedure uses pigments to semi-permanent dye the brows, making it convenient for you to not have re-apply brow beauty products ever again. As it creates a minimal look in comparison to microblading, it is suitable for those who just need the extra touch up on their brows. This convenient and painless process is hence why it is the beloved choice among women today.