Preparing Your Child For Preschool In Delahey

young boy attending preschool in Delahey

While it’s not as big a step as starting kindergarten, the thought of attending daycare can be quite daunting for many young children. In fact, it’s equally daunting, if not more frightening for the parents, many of whom are protective of their children at such a young age. However, attending preschool in Delahey shouldn’t be a massive concern for you as a parent or your young child. It should be something that both of you are excited about, as it is your youngster’s first foray into a world of growing independence. If you want to get the most out of the experience, here are several vital tips you should use when preparing your youngster for preschool in Delahey.

Learn about what it’s all about

Your toddler might be a little scared about starting preschool in Delahey, and that’s a perfectly reasonable response. However, you don’t want them to feel overly anxious or distressed about starting a big, new thing in their life. In the weeks leading up to their start date, help your child understand what preschool in Delahey is all about. Read books that revolve around daycare and how it works. What are the character’s feeling throughout the story? How is your child feeling about starting?

Listen to your child

If your child is genuinely concerned about starting, then you must listen to them. What precisely are they worried about? Is it the entire prospect or something specific about their new daycare routine? It’s normal for your child to want to know when you will be picking them up. Make sure you give them an exact time and be at the centre before that time rolls around. The last thing you want is for your child to lose faith in you.

Notice changes in their behaviour

young kid coloring

It would help if you recognised any changes in your child’s behaviour. Subtle changes could indicate that your child is feeling very nervous about starting preschool in Delahey, meaning it’s worth having a chat with them about how they are feeling. Some children will become withdrawn or clingy, which often infers that they are quite concerned about starting a new chapter in their life. If you’re worried about their subtle changes in mood or behaviour and don’t know what to do about it, reach out to a friend, a family member or a psychologist.

The night before

The night before your child starts preschool in Delahey is essential for many reasons. It’s the best time for you to answer any last-minute questions they might have and to help quell any anxiety they might have about the next day.

It’s also crucial that you let them choose what they want to do the next day. Let them pick out their clothes if they are appropriate for the occasion and the weather. Make sure they go to bed at a reasonable time and do what you usually do to help them get off to sleep. Read them a story or let them watch some TV for a while to allow them to drift off.

The morning of

The morning of your child’s first day at a preschool in Delahey is critical. You don’t want to be in a rush, so make sure you and your child are up early for a fresh start. Make sure your child eats a good breakfast and review their routine for them. Pack their bag with them, and make sure they have a packed lunch filled with all their favourites. When you drop them off, keep your tone positive and upbeat. If they are upset, you must resist returning to the preschool in Delahey. They are in good hands, even if they are a bit dramatic.